SKY Networks Solutions is an IT consulting and integration firm. Since 2006, we have focused exclusively on the needs of the healthcare industry. By nature, we are security and compliance experts who stay abreast of the industry trends and offer pragmatic advice to meet the needs of healthcare providers, payers, and organizations of any size. It comes down to understanding one’s risk exposure and options to mitigate those risks.

We specialize in meeting all your secure IT needs, including:

WE VALUE OUR CUSTOMERS Learn How Virtual Remote Networks Can Help Your Business To Save Money And Time !

Since 2016, SKY Networks Solutions, a IT and Cybersecurity consulting has served over 100 small businesses, medium-sized companies and healthcare practices located in Los Angeles, San Francisco & New York areas. We have helped our clients derive a great return on investment from their technology. Our unique formula of combining fast-response helpdesk support plus proactive IT management plus strategic IT guidance has proven to be the only formula for small to medium businesses to enhance profits, increase staff efficiency and savings, and grow a competitive advantage. Our team of experts offer a range of client-oriented IT support services ranging from consultation to design, support and training. With 24/7 assistance, and the knowledge that we’re skilled, certified and well-connected, you can rest assured that Virtual Remote is your company’s ticket to more streamlined business IT.


SKY Networks Solutions has provided medical offices valuable services to save money in many areas of day to day tasks instead of hiring a full time office staff. Here are some highlists of our services.

You don’t need a full time staff members to do tasks which can be done efficiently by highly trained Los Angeles based support members. We have saved Dental/Medical office time, money, payroll cost and thousand of dollars annually.


As reporting requirements and coding changes increase, many providers struggle to hire skilled professionals to focus equally on productivity and performance and to maximize revenue without compromising compliance. Our flexible Physician and Hospital Coding Services provide coding support during system changes, backlogs, and prolonged coder absences.

Our team is proficient in multiple billing systems, making it possible to quickly deliver bottom line value while you focus on your core priorities






We virtualize any set of Applications to our Citrix or Parallels cloud-hosted environment. We have helped hundrads of Medical Facilities to take their onsite resources to cloud hosted solution which saved them monthly maintenance cost, dedicated IT staff and operational cost. Here are few higlights of our services


SKY Networks solutions partnered with I-Drive and CrashPlan Cloud storage services. Data restoration can be initiated at any time as desired. We know how important it is for businesses to operate at the highest level of productivity with a scalable system. At Virtual Remote, we have the ideal cloud and managed services solution for small businesses or larger corporations.

We are happy to provide a technology assessment to help you get started.!