Managed IT Services

SKY Networks Solutions Group is an IT consulting and integration firm. We help forward-thinking IT leaders design, use, and manage technology to transform their business and improve outcomes.


Protect against real-time threats with our Advanced Classification Engine—utilizing machine learning and anomaly detection


Protect against real-time threats with our Advanced Classification Engine—utilizing machine learning and anomaly detection


Protect against real-time threats with our Advanced Classification Engine—utilizing machine learning and anomaly detection


Protect against real-time threats with our Advanced Classification Engine—utilizing machine learning and anomaly detection


Legal IT planning is most often impacted by one other critical business issue and that is Culture and Training.  Even with the best technology that money can buy and the best laid plans for interactive feedback, a firm’s success is largely dependent on technology users. Whether for lack of training, non-compliance or the need to balance security without disrupting the practice, law firm CTOs will need to implement planning strategies that include significant investment in resources to close the gap between technology and people.

Since 2016, SKY Networks Solutions a IT and Cybersecurity consulting has served over 100 small businesses, medium-sized companies and healthcare practices located in Los Angeles, San Francisco & New York areas. We have helped our clients derive a great return on investment from their technology. 

CUSTOM DESIGNED IT SOLUTIONS Learn How Virtual Remote Networks Can Help Your Business Stay Safe At Any Level

Since 2016, Virtual Remote Networks, a IT and Cybersecurity consulting has served over 100 small businesses, medium-sized companies and healthcare practices located in Los Angeles, San Francisco & New York areas. We have helped our clients derive a great return on investment from their technology. Our unique formula of combining fast-response helpdesk support plus proactive IT management plus strategic IT guidance has proven to be the only formula for small to medium businesses to enhance profits, increase staff efficiency and savings, and grow a competitive advantage. Our team of experts offer a range of client-oriented IT support services ranging from consultation to design, support and training. With 24/7 assistance, and the knowledge that we’re skilled, certified and well-connected, you can rest assured that Virtual Remote is your company’s ticket to more streamlined business IT.